To acquire skills in order to match the needs of labour market or to complement the existing skills does not necessarily require the completion of the whole vocational qualification. In this case, it is possible to complete only one vocational qualification unit of the Vocational Qualification in Restaurant and Catering Services.
After completing the vocational qualification unit of working in catering services, you will know how to prepare for your shift and prepare the facilities for use, how to make products to sell, and care for them.
You will also know how to serve customers, sell products and record sales, as well as how to complete end-of-shift tasks. You can assess your own competence and your activity as a member of the work community.
After the studies you have the possibility to apply for the completion of the Vocational Qualification in Restaurant and Catering Services.
The duration of the studies is approx. 5 months. Each student will have a personal competence development plan drawn up for them.
Your English language competence is assessed in the application interview.
You are to demonstrate your competence in practical tasks by working in individual tasks of a catering sector company or unit as a team member. You tidy customer and working facilities, make products, serve customers, record sales and look after the tidiness and comfort of customer and working facilities.
Authentic environment for competence demonstration can be a lunch and dinner restaurant, lunch café, traffic station, as well as an institutional kitchen. Work tasks consist of preparing and displaying lunch or breakfast dishes, customer service, cashier services, as well as dishwashing.
The student shall to give a comprehensive demonstration of the competence of the vocational qualification unit by working in catering services in an authentic environment, in accordance with the vocational competence requirements and the assessment criteria. To the extent that the vocational competence required in the unit cannot be assessed on the basis of the demonstration, the competence demonstration is supplemented in other ways on an individual basis. The competence is demonstrated in August – September.
Mikkeli: Otavankatu 4
The studies are implemented as blended learning, consisting of of contact teaching, independent studying, as well as workplace learning by apprenticeship training.
The studies are for you, if you want to acquire or complement your skills to match labour market needs.
Workplace can be a lunch and dinner restaurant, lunch café, traffic station, as well as institutional kitchen.
The studying is free of charge. The student shall pay himself/herself the possible official fees of the working-life proficiency tests during the training, a part of the study expenses, f.ex. work clothes and shoes needed in the training and required by the profession.
When applying for studies, choose Pirjo Tuovinen as Apprenticeship Coordinator from the list.
The studies begin as per the agreement.
Otavankatu 4
puh. 040 661 0394
Keskuskatu 34
puh. 050 524 8682
puh. 040 305 6605